How to Create a Page With a Custom URL in WordPress
As a WordPress developer, you may often encounter situations where you need to create a page with a custom URL in WordPress for your theme.

How to Validate and Sanitize WordPress Secure Form Inputs (2024)
Are you ready to dive into the world of WordPress secure form handling? Let’s journey through the land of validation and sanitization!

How to Use PHP in_array() Function
The PHP in_array() function allows you to check if a specific value exists in an array. It has a few nuances that can drive you crazy until you figure them out.

How to Use Shortcodes in WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide
Learn how to effectively use a shortcode in WordPress without writing complex code. This guide covers every method of using shortcodes in the editor and code.

S3 DeleteObject – How to Delete Multiple S3 Objects with NodeJS
Sometimes, you may need to delete multiple objects from an S3 bucket efficiently. Here’s how we did it using S3 DeleteObjects and NodeJS.

100 Largest Public SaaS Companies
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has become an increasingly popular way for companies to access and use software applications.
The size of a company can indicate its market strength and stability. Listed are the top 100 largest publicly-traded SaaS companies.